Conversion Rate Optimization Defined
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Conversion Rate Optimization Defined

Posted on September 25th, 2013 by | Google+

conversion rateUnless a website can convert leads, all the SEO strategies, and marketing techniques are useless. Hence, the need for Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO), which is the process of optimizing landing pages, overall website design and sponsored ads, in order to achieve the best conversion rate of visitors. CRO has gained prominence in the business world, since it is seen as a technique for increasing sales, without raising the expenditure on advertising campaigns.

Delivering what was Advertised

Conversion rate optimization is mainly to do with compelling and relevant content. For instance, PPC ads should be highly relevant to the search query and targeted audience. Secondly, when the ad is targeted for long-tailed keywords, the audience will be people who are in the last stages of the buying cycle. Relevance should also be maintained between the ad and the landing page, since the visitor will be looking to see if the page can deliver whatever was promised in the advertisement.

The Right People

CRO is not only to do with improving elements that are at the end of the marketing funnel such as forms and buttons, but also to do with the choice of right keywords. By selecting the right keywords, it is possible to obtain a highly targeted viewership to the website. Hence, simply increasing traffic is not going to achieve much. However, acquiring a specific type of traffic of targeted visitors will make a major difference. Therefore, the CRO process will start with the most relevant keywords to appeal to the correct type of audience.

For instance, if you are selling chrome wheels for cars you want people to come to your site that are interested in these wheels. You do not want most of your traffic that is coming to you site to be looking for an office desk chair instead.

A Solid Investment

With conversion rate optimization it is possible to improve conversion rates, which will lower the per conversion costs, improve ROI of the sponsored ads, and pay per click campaigns. CRO involves resources and time of the business, or it can be a paid service from a CRO vendor. However, the amount spent on CRO is the most cost effective way of improving sales.

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Tom Bates | President | Google+